Want to share you real-life experience? We are experts in helping people place their story in the media - be it in print, online or TV.
We pride ourselves on being the good guys in journalism - we take our time to work with you and make sure you're completely happy with how your story is told.
Whether it's a story that'll make people laugh or cry, a tale of triumph over adversity or a tribute to someone who deserves to be known about, we'd love to help.
Got a business to shout about? Let us help!
As journalists, we're sick of receiving run-of-the mill press releases that just don't get us excited.
We know what does and doesn't deliver results. It's a crowded market, but years of experience placing stories with major publications means we know how to help you get noticed.
Got something to say but struggling to find the words? Don't worry, we've got you covered.
We have years of experience writing for a plethora of different markets and can turn our hand to writing in any style.
Whether you're looking for copy for a website, someone to come up with catchy blog or social media posts, or even help you co-author a book, we can help.